
ISO 14006

Ecodesign Management

The ISO 14006 standard sets out guidelines to help organizations establish, document, implement, maintain and continuously improve the Ecodesign Management as part of an environmental management system.

An increasing number of organizations acknowledge the need to include environmental performance in the design of their products as a way of reducing environmental impacts and improving resource efficiency.

Organizations traditionally had a tendency to only take into account the impacts of the product at the production stage while neglecting the life-cycle perspective which is the basis of ecodesign.

ISO 14006 aims for an integrated process to reduce environmental impacts and to improve the environmental performance of products in a systematic way throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of the product’s useful life.

This standard is easily and effectively integrated with ISO 14001, but it can also be useful for integrating ecodesign into other management systems. It is applied to any organization, regardless of its size or activity sector.

A management system that incorporates APCER-certified ecodesign allows for, among other things:

Insurance that the organization manages the design and development of its products and/or services so that everyone will be able to make continuous environmental improvements over time;

Reduction of costs (consumption of materials, packaging and conditioning improvement, etc.);

Demonstration of the organization’s commitment to our environment;

Product innovation and, consequently, market differentiation;

Response to customer needs and expectations, for example, in public tenders;

Improvement of the product and organization’s image.

Highlights & Trends

  • ISO 45001

    Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • ISO 14001

    Environmental management system
  • ISO 9001

    Quality Management System
  • ISO 50001

    Supply Chain Audits
    Energy Management System