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    We are proud to share that APCER is present in new Latin American markets: Peru, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Bolivia. Through local partners, we bring our knowledge and experience in certification, supplier audits and training, always with the commitment to support organizations to achieve high levels of performance. If your…
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14 May 2020

Version 5 of the FSSC 22000 obtains recognition from GFSI benchmarking

The Foundation FSSC 22000 announced that version 5 of its certification scheme was recognised by version 7.2 of the Global Food Safety Initiative's (GFSI) benchmarking requirements.

In 2018, GFSI published version 7.2 of its benchmarking requirements. In this version, a new requirement was introduced that requires auditors of certification programs recognised by GFSI to successfully complete a knowledge test. The test is based on GFSI's benchmarking requirements, and it was developed to enable mutual recognition among different owners of certification programs recognised by GFSI.

The benchmark process was started in 2019, and it includes two document reviews and one on-site institutional review. The final benchmark report underwent a month-long, public consultation process to ensure that feedback from interested parties was included. The public report confirmed that the FSSC 22000 scheme's strength continues to be the thoroughness of the integrity program's review process and the use of international ISO standards.

The Foundation FSSC 22000 has developed and implemented a significant upgrade to its Scheme with version 5 that now includes the new ISO22000:2018 standard. It has been recognized by the GFSI that the FSSC 22000 Scheme continues to be the only ISO 22000 based brand assurance platform for the consumer goods industry.”

Aldin Hilbrands
Technical Director

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